Our students have presented their poster and paper presentations at the 5th Turkish Demography conference

Our students have presented their poster and paper presentations at the 5th Turkish Demography conference. The conference took place on November 17-18 2022 and was hosted by the Institute of Population Studies at Hacettepe University. 

The analyses for the presentations are derived from the Turkish Covid-19 Values Study (TCVS)- where Dr. Engin is the Principle Investigator. 

The poster and paper information:

Ceylan Engin, Sena Akkoç, Eralp Kaan Karduz. Kovid-19 aşısına kimler neden karşı? Aşı olma kararının belirleyici unsurları (Paper Presentation)

Ceylan Engin, Eralp Kaan Karduz, Sena Akkoç. Pfizer mı Turkovac mı? Kovid-19 aşı markalarına güvenin belirleyici unsurları (Paper Presentation)

Ceylan Engin, Ayşenur Gökçe, Alperen Ömer Şehitoğlu. Kovid-19 Pandemisi Döneminde Türkiye'deki Doğurganlık Eğilimleri (Poster Presentation)