Tuna Kuyucu

Areas of Interest: 

Urban sociology

Sociology of law

Economic sociology

Social theory

Nationalism and ethnic conflict

Research Projects: 

Different Manifestations of Turkish Nationalism: An Analysis of Existing Perceptions of Nationalism in Turkey. BAP-19365 (22BP7), 2022-.

Why 'Urban Transformation' Doesn't Happen?: An Investigation on Institutional, Legal and Social Reasons for the Failure of Urban Transformation Projects in Istanbul. BAP-10500 (15B08P2), 2015-2018.

Change of Housing Economy and Geography in Industrialized Medium-Sized Turkish Cities: Examples of Tekirdağ, Gaziantep, Kayseri and Denizli. BAP-6331 (10D01P6) 2011-2014.

Selected Publications: 
Dere, Doğukan and Kuyucu, Tuna. 2022. "Building and defending counterspaces: An analysis of counterspace formation in two informal settlements in Istanbul", Urban Geography.
Kuyucu, Tuna. 2020. "The Great Failure: The Roles of Institutional Conflict and Social Movements in the Failure of Regeneration Initiatives in Istanbul." Urban Affairs Review.

Kuyucu, Tuna. 2018. “Türkiye’de Kentsel Dönüşümün Dönüşümü: Hukuki ve Kurumsal Çatışmalar Üzerinden Bir Açıklama Denemesi” IdealKent Dergisi 24(9): 364-386.

Kuyucu, Tuna. 2018. “Politics of Urban Regeneration in Turkey: Possibilities and Limits of Local Regeneration Initiatives in a Highly Centralized Country” Urban Geography 39(8): 1152-1176.

Yıldırım, Irem and Tuna Kuyucu. 2017. “Neoliberal Penality and State Legitimacy: Politics of Amnesty in Turkey in the AKP Period” Law & Society Review 51(4): 859-894.